Senin, 15 Maret 2010

How to amaze your desktop

Basically, there are various ways to enhance your desktop display on your computer or laptop, and one way is to memakali applications offer a way to do it. In the virtual world, perhaps many of us already know, many of these applications are either free, trial products, and purchasing. In this post we will discuss about some of the applications and possible ways to get it (can reply for free sich .. )
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Regulator applications DeskHedron is 3-dimensional desktop operating for OS Windows 2000 and Windows XP. Software designed by a Japanese programmer is completely free and open source licensed. With this application you can open a lot of desktop / screen to various fields of work and switch from one desktop to another desktop. For example on the desktop one you use for browsing the Internet and desktop you use two to process the data, you use the desktop three to play a song, and so on. You can switch from one desktop to another desktop using the arrow keys on the keyboard.
To be able to use your system DesktopHedron already have installed DirectX ® 9.0c libraries are usually already in the installation of Windows XP SP2 or Windows updates. If you do not yet exist on your system, just download this library at the microsoft site ( Do not forget to install it after the download library  y! While you can get DesktopHedron on site.
let's say you've downloaded desktophedron, so we just install and use.
Gini how to use it ..
After you install desktophedron, a new icon will appear near the computer clock, press the icon once to "rewind" your computer screen. The next screen will appear with a new look, you try to open another program on your computer and click the icon one more time desktophedron, then the screen will "resign" as before. To move from one screen to another screen you can use the left and right nafigasi.
OK ... !!
The rest of you please try your own ... !!

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